Grand Rapids Hotel District



When the Grand Rapids Hotel District reached out to us, they were looking to enhance their website and social media platforms in hopes to rid themselves of the stock imagery they were currently using. 

We worked with the team going over their brand, their values and more specifically talking about how our images could help draw in more of their target audiences. 

Our goal with this project was to showcase that the Grand Rapids hotel district was a wonderful oasis that you, your family and your friends could visit, spend time together and bond. As a business professional you could utilize the different spaces that each hotel offers in order to meet, work offsite and collaborate with others. 

Planning for the shoot day was easy. We had locations, props, people, time, access and concentration points. Our focus was to highlight the authentic and vibrant atmosphere that the hotels had to offer. We wanted to show people being engaged and enthusiastic while also capturing the raw energy and feeling that each moment had to offer.  Each hotel we shot at had a new energetic atmosphere that we were able to use to our advantage. 


Whether you are a local or a visitor from out of town, we want people to see these images and know that no matter what, they are going to have a fun and unforgettable experience during their time in the Grand Rapids Hotel District.


Ice Robotics


Aquinas College