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American Immersion Theater

We are HUGE advocates for theater and performance art, especially those with amazingly fun and interactive experiences such as The American Immersion Theater. We have spent years photographing every aspect of this theater’s programming, ranging from Super Heroes & Princesses parties to Murder Mysteries and Camp D&D Online.

The magic in theater lies within the emotion the actors are able to elicit from their audience.

It is our job to capture that emotion.

We do it well.

We have participated in weekend get-a-way trips filled with event photography and portraits of cast members. (Murder Mystery & Princesses/Super Heroes) We love these weekends because we are fully immersed inside the experience while also telling the story of the event.

We don’t just show up to these weekend getaways and take photos we are also active in the planning and preparation that goes into these kinds of events. Knowledge is power and knowing the who, what, where, when, why is very important to us.

Working alongside the theater for Camp D&D was by far one of the best experiences. As players ourselves we were able to provide our very own unique perspective when it came to the image making. Making an impression was important because this was the launch of what will be more seasons of Camp D&D to come, so creating content that would capture an audiences attention was truly important.

Originally brought on to direct the lighting for the video shoots (between assisting Adam with the photography), Kristina got a field promotion to Assistant Director and had a hand in set design, audio recording, schedule keeper, and much much more.

Photographing actors on a green-screen allows the designers to input custom backgrounds and graphics, opening up endless marketing possibilities.

In the cinematic world, using a tool like this is essential. We do have our own in house green-screen which we can provide, but if you prefer your own, that is great too!

The versatility of the arts is what drives us to continue doing work with such an incredible group. We cannot wait to see what else we will continue to create together in the coming future.