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Bringing Personality into Business

The workplace is changing and ideas about what is considered professional along with it. More and more companies are taking on a more casual approach. Employees are showing up in jeans, with tattooed arms, their pets in tow. Offices are ditching cubicles in favor of treadmill desks, unassigned seating, and hanging gardens. Some companies even have a music room or video game room where employees can blow off steam and recharge their batteries. Less structure, more creativity and comfort. More allowing people to be themselves.

 K-Motion Design, a multimedia design firm, understands how important it is for a company to have personality. A few years ago, when I had the opportunity to photograph KMD's head shots, we spent a lot of time discussing how we could set up the photos to reflect who they are as a company. What kind of background to use that would mirror their design style, how to bring a sense of self to the photos, what types of photos would start conversations with their clients and build those relationships... They came up with the idea to have each employee bring in a few props to use in their shots. Personal items that told a story about who they were. A favorite craft beer, a baseball mitt, even a cat.

Our planning made for more interesting photos, and the props helped the team loosen up in their individual shots and let their personalities show, conveying an openness that is really relatable to their clients. Photos are always more interesting when you can see the person behind the face.

See more of their photos on their website:
