[ community involvement ]

Our community. Our home.

We feel very strongly about community and the commitments needed to improve it. Ultimately it's not about what we're doing for them, as much as it's about the larger difference made by collective action in the community, so we don't share the efforts as widely as we probably should.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things about life, including our sponsorship opportunities. It's complicated to have an exact current list of the committees, boards, and/or sponsorships, but here is the mostly up-to-date list in no particular order:

And because our leasing of the studio is a point of influence, we rent our studio from a nonprofit which uses revenue generated by our rent to subsidize affordable housing for our neighbors. This is a scalable model for addressing the housing crisis.

Adam is also pretty involved doing a lot of free fundraising and marketing consulting for different groups. He calls it 'nonprofit therapy.' There's more, but I want to keep it to the last five years.

Sustainability in the studio.

In addition to our studio being located in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids on South Division Ave, where the rental revenue subsidizes affordable housing for our neighbors, it’s also LEED Gold Certified. We have motion-sensitive lighting and low-flow toilets in the bathrooms, photocell lights in the main studio, and tons of recycling. We use recycled materials as often as possible and do everything we can to be sustainable. This is our world, let’s take care of it.

Reduce Reuse Recycle